Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Loading XML data from a config file using XmlDocument

Part 1: where to save application config data under Vista
Part 2: how to save data in an XML file using XmlDocument
Part 3: this part, how to load (parse) an XML file using XmlDocument

All code samples in C#, cuz it's my drug of choice.

In the previous two parts, I covered where to save data to, and provided some sample code for creating an XmlDocument that can then be written to disk. The idea here is loading and saving application config data. For games, stuff like the user's preferred screen resolution -- which is the specific purpose I had when I dug up this code.

So let me just get straight to the code. That's why you're here, right?
const string kIntId = "ints";
const string kStrId = "strs";
const string kConfigFile = "config.xml";
private void LoadData()
string myAppFile = GetConfigPath() + "/" + kConfigFile;
if (!File.Exists(myAppFile))

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

XmlNode intsNode = root.SelectSingleNode(kIntId);
foreach (XmlNode child in intsNode.ChildNodes)
string key = child.LocalName;
int value = Convert.ToInt32(child.Attributes["value"].Value);
_intList[key] = value;

XmlNode strsNode = root.SelectSingleNode(kStrId);
foreach (XmlNode child in strsNode.ChildNodes)
string key = child.LocalName;
string value = child.Attributes["value"].Value;
_stringList[key] = value;
// feh
The try/catch is there cuz you should be worried about your users being dumbasses and manually editing your config files. And/or you being a dumbass and screwing it up. Cuz that's what I did. Plus, when I changed formats, some of this stopped working.

Note that I'm using a couple constants to specify the names of the groups that I'm looking for. I do that because of Once and Only Once: mostly to keep myself from mistyping data.

I covered a way to obtain the name for the directory in which to store application data back in part 1, but here's the relevant snippet here:
private static string GetConfigPath()
string appData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
string myAppData = appData + "/MyAppName";
return myAppData;
This is for per-user app config data, as opposed to shared (common) config data -- both described back there in part 1.

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