As Fred Brooks says, there are no Silver Bullets.
The basic message is that there is no language, tool, organization structure, or practice that will magically solve your problems and let you ship software on time. People who have read his 1987 essay come away from it avowing to never use a silver bullet -- but I think the result is often that they instead use a different phrase to refer to their silver bullet.
If you've got a practice in your organization that is essential, the sort of practice that anyone using your given language and tools would be a fool not to use, then that's your silver bullet. Do you have seven different pointer wrappers that everyone must use? That's your silver bullet. Do you require programmers to write an interface for every class that they implement? Are naming conventions the sine qua non in your office? Are you lax on a number of XP practices but absolutely adamant about unit tests?
Just because you don't call it a silver bullet doesn't mean it isn't.
Complexity is a hard problem, and ignoring some problems can produce an order-of-magnitude decrease in productivity. There's a difference between being avoiding willful ignorance and requiring some critical practice. I've often run into people that had a bad time "at their last job" or "on the last project," and are committed to avoiding that problem at all costs.
This is dropping context, though. The solution will remove the problem (but see below), but was the problem destiny or was it the result of an organizational shortfall? Maybe their last project had a lot of dangling pointers and memory leaks; using pointer wrappers won't make that problem go away. It doesn't even make it harder. Adding complexity to a project makes working on it more difficult, painstaking, and error-prone. Although they're trying to remove what they see as a flaw in the language (in this case, unmanaged memory), the solution doesn't change the language. Programmers can ignore, misuse, or work around pointer wrappers. Plus they've got to throw out their old understanding of the language and use a "new and improved" flavor of the language. All of their experience, previously very valuable, now works against them. It's simple to follow someone else's explanation of their solution, but understanding it and grokking it sufficiently to use it yourself is not trivial or fast. Forget using it adeptly!
Training programmers to understand memory allocation and giving them a model (such as 'ownership') to follow goes a long way to reducing memory misuse, makes them better programmers, is something they can use for the rest of their career, is a topic well-documented in books, magazines, blogs, and seminars, and requires no new tools or code.
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