- Make sure you have Default.png and Icon.png added to project
- go to developer.apple.com, create App ID (this is the "bundle ID")
- go to developer.apple.com, create distribution provisioning profile
- download distribution profile
- drag profile from Finder into XCode Organizer's "Profiles" window. This is critical.
- optional: add profile to the project. Sometimes this helps.
- optional: quit xcode & restart. Sometimes this helps.
- app target info, properties tab: edit Identifier to match App ID
- target info, build tab, configurations popup: choose "Edit Configurations..."
- duplicate Release config, rename "MyApp adhoc"
- build settings for adhoc, Code Signing: choose the adhoc profile
- build settings, "Packaging" section: edit "Product Name" to be what you want
- choose Adhoc / Device as your build target
- build
To distribute this app, you'll have to mail both the app (MyApp/build/MyApp adhoc-iphoneos/MyApp.app) and the provisioning profile to your users. If they have macs, they can use the iPhone Configuration Utility to install onto their device. Windows people need special zips (.IPA?) which you can find detailed elsewhere.